Source (some data)
 Name and vital stats
  WHITE, PHILLIP J. [1948- ] (publisher; editor; writer)NULL
  Edication: B.A. (journalism) California State University [L.A., CA]NULL
  Bill Finger; Stan Lee; Roy ThomasNULL
  Beta Phi Omega, presidentNULL
  Comic Art Professional SocietyNULL
  Founder: Citrus College Comics Club, '69NULL
  K. Cartoonist of the Year, University Times, C.S.U.L.A.NULL
  Sunset Rotary, Carson City, NVNULL
  West Coast Comics ClubNULL
 Commercial Art & Design
  Manager: Marketing and Advertising: South California, many yearsNULL
  OGRE~ (wr/) 1994> 94
  Support (publ/ed/) 1992-98> 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
  BOLT (plot/) 1987> 87
  BOLT (wr/) 1984> 84
  MS. VICTORY (wr/) 1984> 84
  MS. VICTORY SPECIAL~ (ed/) 1985> 85
  NIGHTVEIL (wr/) 1986> 86
  STARFORCE SIX (wr/) 1984> 84
  Support (ed/) 1985> 85
 Fan & trade zines
  CBEM [Comic Book Electronic Magazine] (wr/) Column: Had Your Phil 1998-99-> 98 99
  Comics Buyer's Guide (wr/pen/ink/) 1985 articles and cartoons> 85